Advocacy Resources
Welcome to the Movement
Every week, 373,300 Western Australians embrace the joy and freedom of bike riding, with over a million of us taking to our bikes each year. Yet, despite this enthusiasm, 47% of our community hesitates, feeling unsafe amidst car traffic.
It’s time for change. We invite you to join us in creating a movement towards safer, healthier streets where everyone has the option of using a bike in their daily journeys.
Westcycle's active transport advocacy
WestCycle brings the community together through family-friendly events, group rides, and bike education programs, while working closely with government through regular meetings, infrastructure feedback, and formal submissions to improve bike riding in WA.
Advocate Toolkit
This page has resources to help anyone advocate for active transport in Western Australia. If you have suggestions for how we can make the toolkit more useful, contact us.
Interactive Maps
Maps showing bike crashes, cycling infrastructure and community insights to support safer streets.
Charts & Infographics
Charts & Infographics
Data Sources
Evidence to help you support your advocacy.
Technical Resources
Design guidelines, infrastructure specifications, research papers and case studies.
Governance, Policy & Legislation
Rules, regulations and policies that impact active transport in Western Australia.
Learning HUb
Links to webinars, online courses, podcasts, blogs and books to arm advocates with quality sources of knowledge.
Templates & Guides to have your say
Interactive Maps
Data Sources & Research
Maps showing bike crashes, cycling infrastructure and community insights to support safer streets.
Charts & Infographics
Cycling and Walking Australia New Zealand
Fact sheet, government strategies, toolkits, and more from across Australia and New Zealand.
Data Sources
Main Roads WA Open Data Portal
Interactive, nationwide mapping project showing a 2023 snapshot of perceptions of cycling safety.
Bureau of Infrastructure and Transport Research Economics
Economic analysis, research and statistics on infrastructure and transport issues in Australia.
Technical Resources
Design guidelines, infrastructure specifications, rules for temporary traffic management.
Austroads Guides
Austroads is the association of government transport agencies across Australian and New Zealand. It commissions research and design guides that strongly influence how roads and streets function in Western Australia. Anyone can create a login to access their publications.
Temporary Traffic Management
Healthy Streets
Click HERE for tools and resources for using the Healthy Streets approach to assess how well streets currently meet people’s basic needs, and the impact of various changes.
Governance, Policy & Legislation
Rules, regulations, policies and government agencies that influence active transport in Western Australia.
Road Traffic Code 2000
Road Traffic Code 2000: Legal framework governing road use in WA, encompassing all modes of transport.
Rules specifically related to e-bikes (also known as Pedalecs and power assisted pedal cycles):
Road Traffic (Administration) Regulations 2014
Regulation 4 of the Road Traffic (Administration) Regulations 2014 prescribes the amount of power for the purposes of the definition in the Road Traffic Administration Act 2008. It states:
- (1) In this regulation — Pedalec means a vehicle that meets the standard of the European Committee for Standardization entitled EN 15194:2009 or EN 15194:2009+A1:2011 Cycles — Electrically power assisted cycles — EPAC Bicycles.
- (2) For the definition of power assisted pedal cycle in section 4, the amount of power is —
- (a) for a Pedalec — 250 W; and
- (b) for any other kind of power assisted pedal cycle — 200 W
Road Traffic (Administration) Act 2008
Section 4 of the Road Traffic Administration Act 2008 defines power assisted pedal cycle to mean a vehicle —
- designed to be propelled through a mechanism operated solely by human power; and
- to which is attached one or more auxiliary propulsion motors having a combined maximum output not exceeding the amount of power prescribed for the purposes of this definition.
Road Safety Commission (RSC)
Administers funds from the Road Trauma Trust Account and supports the Road Safety Council in making funding recommendations to the Minister for Road Safety. Road Safety Commission
- Information for drivers about safe overtaking of other vehicles including bike riders, including related offences and penalties. Overtaking
- Information about safe cycling, cycling on roads and footpaths and related offences and penalties. Cyclists
- Information about safe use of eRideables on roads and footpaths, and related offences and penalties. ERideables
- For mobile phone use, same rules apply to people riding bikes and eRideables as driving motor vehicles, however, riders can use a mounting attached to their arm rather than to the vehicle. Mobile phones
Department of Transport (DoT)
Strategy, policy, planning and behaviour change.
Main Roads WA (mrwa)
Building and maintaining the state’s major roads and highways, and most of the Principal Shared Path (PSP) network.
- PSP detours – Main Roads projects (Paths and Cycling page)
Public Transport Authority (PTA)
Plans, builds and operates public transport services.
Department of Planning, Lands and Heritage (DPLH)
Supports active transport planning in WA by developing policies that promote walkable, transit-connected communities, and in collaboration with the Western Australian Planning Commission to integrate active transport into land use strategies.
Western Australian Local Government Association (WALGA)
Organisation that represents 139 member local governments in WA.
Learning Hub
Case Studies

Tips on how to film a route while riding: BayBUG Canada Bay Bicycle User Group
Quick explanation of Healthy Streets:
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