Mountain Biking is the fastest growing recreational activity in WA. WestCycle is committed to promoting and advocating on the behalf of the growing number of our community who mountain bike, whether it is for recreation, sport, or fun – to increase participation opportunities for all.
Thinking about heading out on the trails? Before you get kitted up and go, there are some mountain biking safety tips you should know.

  1. Always wear a helmet.
  2. Use protective gear and clothing from head to toe to protect you from the elements and hazards on the trail.
  3. Take a first aid kit.
  4. Wear some form of eye protection.
  5. Bring more water than you need, just in case.
  6. Wear gloves to protect your hands.
  7. Gain as much info as possible on the trail you will be riding.
  8. Learn the basics of bicycle maintenance and take some tools with you.
  9. Preferrably go riding together with at least one other person.
  10. Take your time to ensure you maintain control of your bike.
  11. Always know your limit and ride within your limit.
  12. Always follow the signs and route markers, and get to know the trail well.
  13. Select the right bike for the trail that you choose.

Tim Roach

Elected Director | Off Road

Tim has been in senior leadership and strategic development roles for more than twenty years. He is currently Director of Executive Education in the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University and is a past Assistant Commissioner and General Manager in the public service. He is an Accountant (FCPA) and sits on the Divisional Council of CPA Australia.

Tim has been involved in racing mountain bikes, BMX and triathlon for many years, both as a father of two children who race and as a past and current bike racer. Tim is the current over-50 State Champion in downhill mountain biking. He is also a very regular and enthusiastic transport cyclist; frequently seen in a suit and tie riding to meetings in the city on a mountain bike.

Helen Sadler

Independent Director

Helen is a Town of Cottesloe councillor and is the current Chair of WestCycle’s Transport Advisory Group.

A medical doctor, Helen is a strong active transport advocate with a focus on health outcomes and social well-being.