A world-first research project into the use of e-bikes by women was conducted in early 2023 by Murdoch University in collaboration with WestCycle, the peak body for bike riding in WA.
Despite a significant increase in the sales and use of e-bikes across the world, and here in WA, there is little understanding about the issues and attitudes towards e-bike use, particularly among women.
“We wanted to understand the reasons women purchased e-bikes, the usage patterns, potential barriers, and ways to enhance the use of e-bikes,” said Raj Kandiah, who conducted the research as his Master’s thesis at Murdoch University.
“Participants highlighted the importance of e-bikes for commuting, convenience, health, and overall well-being and also emphasised the environmental and health benefits of using e-bikes, but most revealing was the joy the women expressed about riding their e-bike,” said Mr Kandiah.
Quotes from women who participated in the study include: “Every single person I’ve ever given a ride on an e-bike comes back with the biggest smile, they absolutely love it.”; “it gives me freedom and makes me happy”; “it’s just magnificent.”; “I love it”; and “it makes getting around fun”.
Barriers to e-bike entry
Raj Kandiah, a Murdoch University Master’s student, undertook a literature review of global studies into women’s use of e-bikes, then conducted in-depth interviews with eight women who ride e-bikes in Perth. The interviews also identified several barriers to the use and uptake of e-bikes.
“Participants expressed concerns about technological issues such as ‘range anxiety’, when the battery runs out mid-way through a journey because they had nowhere to top it up,” said Raj Kandiah.
“Speed and power limitations were also a concern, as it can make it harder to get ahead of traffic or up hills, security concerns about parking expensive bikes out in the open were expressed as well as the initial cost of purchasing an e-bike,” Mr Kandiah said.
Based on the research findings, Mr Kandiah recommends that policymakers consider reviewing speed limits of e-bikes, improving security technology, providing public charging points and introducing subsidies to encourage more people to use e-bikes.
Further investment and improvements to cycling infrastructure is also essential to support the widespread adoption of e-bikes as a mode of transport.
Closing the gender and age gaps
A supporting quantitative study conducted by WestCycle showed that 50% of e-bike users are women – making e-bikes a great equaliser between gender participation in cycling. People over 45 years old were also the most likely to use e-bikes. This could be because of the high cost of e-bikes, or because e-bikes enable people who are less physically fit or mobile to ride a bike easily.
“WestCycle’s vision is to get more people riding bikes more often, and we can see how e-bikes make this possible for many more people and can facilitate many more trips by bike,” said Wayne Bradshaw, CEO of WestCycle.
“E-bikes are a great equaliser, closing the gender gap and offering a clean, efficient, safe and low-cost option to more people to get around.” Mr Bradshaw said.
Most survey respondents said they often replace a car journey with the e-bike because it takes them further faster, and they can often carry more on an e-bike.
“Given that two thirds of all car trips in Perth are less than 5km, we should be encouraging the uptake of e-bikes, and bikes generally to reduce congestion, noise and air pollution, emissions and improve road safety. Not to mention the pure joy of cycling!”
WestCycle collaborates with various WA universities on research into issues that affect people who ride, or want to ride, bikes.
For more information, visit www.westcycle.org.au/e-bikes
MEDIA ENQUIRIES: Rachel Pemberton 0408 988 977
Background and additional information:
- Read the thesis by Raj Kandiah here
- Approximately 54,000 E-bikes were sold across Australia in 2020 (Australian Cycling Economy Report 2021)
- “How to get more women on bikes? Better biking infrastructure, designed by women” by Lauren Pearson published in 27 March 2023 in The Conversation
- Two thirds of all trips in Perth are less than 5km
- www.infrastructureaustralia.gov.au/map/perth-active-transport-improvements
- The NSW Government have introduced 30km/h speed zones
- https://micromobilityreport.com.au/infrastructure/policy-and-funding/30kmh-zones-introduced-to-nsw-speed-standard/
- The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) released a report on Lithium-ion Batteries and Consumer Product Safety on 5 October 2023. The WestCycle E-Bike page also includes useful information and shareable resources about reducing the risk of lithium-ion battery fires.