National Ride 2 School Day WA is just around the corner on Friday 21 March 2025! It’s the perfect occasion to encourage your children to get on their bikes and choose the healthiest and most fun way to travel to school. 

Our Active Schools competition encourages schools to encourage more kids to take to their tredlies to get to school with a randomly selected school winning a Bike Fun Day (see below). Last year’s initiatives included bike buses, ride to school breakfasts, bike decoration prizes, bike checks, expanded car-free zones, manned crossings and more…

Participant schools are also eligible to win free weekly e-bike rentals from Sparque and one of four $250 Ride 2 School Day WA breakfast vouchers.

Sign your school up here. (By 3PM Friday 14 March.)

[Once registered, you will receive your information pack containing instructions, posters and other resources.]

Riding to school not only benefits your children’s health and sense of independence, but also improves their concentration and academic performance.

On your bike kids!

2024 Ride 2 School Day WA Active School winner: St Peter's Primary School, Inglewood!

St. Peters Primary School in Inglewood was the (randomly chosen) winner of last year’s Ride 2 School Day WA 2024 Active Schools competition! 
More than 50 schools registered and launched actions to have more of their kids getting to school on bikes, scooters or on foot and reaping the brain, body and independence benefits that come with active travel! Not to mention safer streets with less vehicle congestion.
Feedback from St Peter’s and others showed an average of 45% of students riding, scooting or walking to school (up from the State average of about 25%) leading up to Ride 2 School Day WA.
Well done to all schools who took part and invested in a healthier and happier future across our State! We hope you’ll take up the Active Schools challenge this year!
We’re hosting the photo comp again in 2025 with another bike to give away thanks to 99 Bikes! 
Hayley Casarotto and family (pictured below left) won a shiny new bike plus kit from 99 Bikes as the winner of our 2024 Ride 2 School Day WA photo competition!
Hayley told us: “The cargo bike has literally changed our lives – feels a bit melodramatic to put it that way, but it’s completely changed the way we move around and engage with our neighbourhood.”
Send your school journey pics and vids to WestCycle Facebook or Instagram or LinkedIn with the tag #Ride2SchoolDayWA. Or just email us at [email protected].

Tim Roach

Elected Director | Off Road

Tim has been in senior leadership and strategic development roles for more than twenty years. He is currently Director of Executive Education in the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University and is a past Assistant Commissioner and General Manager in the public service. He is an Accountant (FCPA) and sits on the Divisional Council of CPA Australia.

Tim has been involved in racing mountain bikes, BMX and triathlon for many years, both as a father of two children who race and as a past and current bike racer. Tim is the current over-50 State Champion in downhill mountain biking. He is also a very regular and enthusiastic transport cyclist; frequently seen in a suit and tie riding to meetings in the city on a mountain bike.

Helen Sadler

Independent Director

Helen is a Town of Cottesloe councillor and is the current Chair of WestCycle’s Transport Advisory Group.

A medical doctor, Helen is a strong active transport advocate with a focus on health outcomes and social well-being.