WestCycle Programs

WestCycle runs many programs that support our mission to see more people riding bikes more often. Below are just a sample of the programs currently running at WestCycle. If you would like to know more about any of these, or have ideas or suggestions on other programs we could run, please get in touch.

Bike-Curious Program

The BIKE-CURIOUS program responds to low-participation rates in Western Australia of girls and women aged 15-20 in bike riding of all kinds. With creative workshops at schools and community host sites exploring their experiences, the program will support girls to take action for themselves and get them and their friends riding more often. The pilot program, funded by Healthway, will be wheeled out across Perth in partnership by WestCycle and Solidaria from May 2023.

Check the dates and book a place via www.bikecurious.com.au


The WestCycle Ride Leader Course (RLC101) is a partnership between WestCycle and The Road Safety Commission that has been developed with a key focus on improving group riding safety here in Western Australia. The initiative seeks to foster an environment of collaboration between riding groups to open a line of communication with WestCycle, who will advocate for improvements in practice and infrastructure as well as inform Ride Leaders (RL) of their obligation and liability as a ride organiser. From the information gathered on the registration form, WestCycle will also create a database of local rides for people who are new to the sport or are just looking for a new ride to join. Register for the Ride leader Course HERE


Did you know that the rate of children riding and walking to school in Western Australia has fallen from over 70% down to around 20% since the 1970s? WestCycle’s Safe Routes to School program aims to promote Active Transport to school through the identification and promotion of key safe routes utilising existing infrastructure.

Through an extensive process involving school catchment analysis, map audits, site audits, local community engagement with parent bodies, school feedback and local government, the Safe Routes to School Program delivers behaviour change within local communities to boost the rates of Active Transport and its associated benefits of reduced traffic congestion, parking issues, pollution, carbon footprint, as well as improved activity levels, children’s independent mobility, mental and physical health outcomes. Talk to us today about the Safe Routes to School program and how it can transform your local community


WA Bike Month, held in October annually, is a month long celebration of bikes and bike riding. WA Bike Month aims to promote and encourage people of all ages and abilities to ride bikes for transport, fun and for a healthier lifestyle. WestCycle, working on behalf of the Department of Transport, promotes and manages the WA Bike Month grants process. 

For 2023, a record-breaking pool of $75,000 in grant funding was available to local governments, workplaces, schools, bike groups and community organisations to host events that support and inspired people to give bike riding a go. 

Find out more about this year’s Bike Month here.


The vision of the Department of Transport’s Annual Activation Program (AAP) is to activate use of Perth’s Primary Cycle Network and strives towards bike riding becoming a widely accepted form of transport.

WestCycle, with support from Town Team Movement and the University of WA, has been engaged by the Department of Transport to manage a suite of activities that aimed to increase patronage or activation of communities on Perth’s Primary Cycle Network.

The overall program aimed to:
Promote and encourage bike riding for transport, fun and for a healthier lifestyle. Increase awareness and use of new and existing bike infrastructure, bike routes, and local facilities that can be accessed by bike. Encourage new, novice and rusty riders of all ages and abilities to go for a bike ride.

The AAP Pilot specifically aimed to:
Build an evidence base and narrative for the efficacy of Activation.
Establish what a successful AAP would look like as an ongoing scalable initiative.

The AAP Pilot was delivered in early-mid 2022 and 2023, comprising of the following four components:
Open Streets 
Rider Engagement Program (Beeloo Riding Series) 
PSP Activation event series (Epic Bike Quest)
Evaluation Program

Open Streets Event Series

DJERAN/Beeloo riding series

The Open Streets series of events were based upon the international Open Streets concept and aimed to make streets vibrant public spaces utilised by all. The goal was to close off a section of street to run community activities, to make people think a little differently about how the space could be used, with a particular focus on active transport.

Open Streets events involved engaging with local community groups (local town teams), allowing a local co-design process to ensure community buy in and involvement. Over the past two years we’ve held Open Street events in Leederville, Queens Park, Mandurah and Joondalup. 

Announcements will be made soon for the 2024 Open Street events. 

The Beeloo and Djeran Riding Series are designed as a 4-ride, weekly series for families with school aged children to learn about Nyoongar culture. People can attend one or more sessions.

Nyoongar leaders Joe Collard and Olman Walley lead the series, providing insights into the Beeloo clan culture, language, and history. The rides explore significant locations along Derbal Yerrigan (Perth Waters), Dootanboro (Melville Waters), and Dhagarro (Canning River), offering participants a deeper understanding of the region’s indigenous heritage.

Alongside these cultural elements, each ride incorporates bike skills activities and games to enhance participants’ riding proficiency. 

Find out more here.

Epic Bike Quest

Epic Bike Quests are self-guided bike rides, that require attendees to answer location-specific questions along the way. The event series aim at increasing awareness and utilisation of certain sections of the Principle Shared Pathway and Primary Route Network. Each event had a bicycle mechanic on site to address any mechanical issues and a cycling instructor that provided skills training. Prizes were awarded to participants and all children who completed the Quest were proudly awarded a medal, encouraging their enthusiasm towards cycling. 

Evaluation Program

The University of Western Australia is engaged to work with WestCycle and The Department of Transport to design and deliver an evaluation program to measure the effectiveness of the activities on changing attitudes and behaviour around bike riding and bike riding infrastructure. The results can be used to assist in decision making for future programs.

Tim Roach

Elected Director | Off Road

Tim has been in senior leadership and strategic development roles for more than twenty years. He is currently Director of Executive Education in the School of Business and Law at Edith Cowan University and is a past Assistant Commissioner and General Manager in the public service. He is an Accountant (FCPA) and sits on the Divisional Council of CPA Australia.

Tim has been involved in racing mountain bikes, BMX and triathlon for many years, both as a father of two children who race and as a past and current bike racer. Tim is the current over-50 State Champion in downhill mountain biking. He is also a very regular and enthusiastic transport cyclist; frequently seen in a suit and tie riding to meetings in the city on a mountain bike.

Helen Sadler

Independent Director

Helen is a Town of Cottesloe councillor and is the current Chair of WestCycle’s Transport Advisory Group.

A medical doctor, Helen is a strong active transport advocate with a focus on health outcomes and social well-being.