WestCycle are aware of two different projects affecting the Kwinana Freeway PSP heading North. Details and maps for both projects can be found below.
In November 2023, WestCycle attended a workshop with delivery agencies about PSP detours. In this workshop we recommended all path disruptions be communicated in the one place, and that templates be provided to project teams to ensure consistency in communications and maps provided to path users, with the correct amount of detail.
Workshop participants agreed to implement our recommendations, and we look forward to the day when bike riders can easily locate information about path disruptions. In the meantime, please see the map below showing both projects affecting the Kwinana Fwy PSP:

Bateman – Kwinana Freeway PSP Disruption
The Water Corporation have advised that due to wastewater upgrades in Bateman, The Principal Shared Path (PSP) entrance/exit at Parry Avenue will be closed from Monday 15th April between 7am and 5pm weekdays and 7am and 3pm Saturday, if required.
Pedestrians and cyclists will need to use the PSP entry/exit located off Breen Place or
Scouler Way during this time (map below)

Further Information
If you have any questions regarding this work, please contact Water Corporation
Community Engagement Advisor Lexie Naylor on (08) 9420 2716 or
[email protected]
For any issues which require immediate action onsite, please contact Civcon Site Supervisor Kade
Liddington on 0422 538 853 (during work hours).
Faults, emergencies, and security – 13 13 75 (24 hours)
Scouler Way to Scandrett Way – Kwinana Freeway PSP Detour
Main Roads have advised that the Kwinana Fwy PSP, adjacent to George Welby Pk Bateman, will be closed for approximately 5 weeks from 15 April 2024. This will add approximately 500m to your journey. Please see the map below:

Further Information:
If you have an questions or concerns about this project, please contact [email protected] or call 138 138.